Saturday, March 7, 2009

7 March

Well, after many trials and beatings upon on the desk, I have given up trying to use the Jensens website to document my experiences in China. I've installed three different ssh clients and none of them can connect me. Neither can I access the site on my browser from this or any computer I've tried since I got here. I can only assume that The People's Republic of China is blocking for malicious content. More research is required.

Oh well, this blogspot should work fine. Less work for me, actually. I boiled a gallon of water for storage today. I decided this would be cheaper than buying all my water bottled from the grocery store. However, the water has a nasty metallic aftertaste when I'm done. I may just break down and pay the 15 cents per liter price.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a family website! I didn't know you had a blog, either.

    Actually, I can't access even in the states, so maybe the great firewall of china is not the problem.
