Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fuzhou adventures

I don't yet have many pictures of me around China. So here is me at Wu Yi square, near the center of Fuzhou.

We (Gregor and I) went to a Daoist temple nearby. It's probably been there, in one form or another, for thousands of years. The ying-yang is classic, don't you think?

Last week Gregor and I got a side job recording our voices for a textbook for English-learning middle schoolers. They set us up in a fancy little studio with microphones. Paid us $50/hour, which is substantial even by American standards. I feel immortalized. Generations of Chinese children will listen to my voice! Until of course, they discontinue the textbook. While we were there, the manager took us out to eat at a "Western-style" restaurant. It was pretty expensive. All they served there was steak and some weird pizza. I had the pizza. But they did give us forks and played American music. Haha.