Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tribute to Hershey

I bought this bunny on the road near my house. He cost $2 and his cage cost $1. He was a very good bunny. I named him Hershey.
Hershey was clever; he always came when I called him. He liked to follow me around the house and sit on my feet while I worked at the computer. And he never ever once peed on me - only in his cage (and once on the floor, but we'll ignore that).
Me and Hershey.

I had Hershey for about almost two weeks. Then one day he got sick. He wouldn't budge from his cage when I tried to let him out. I knew something was wrong then because he is usually so excited to come out. Then he started having terrible diarrhea, poor little fellow. I felt bad for him, but I didn't know what to do so I patted him on the head and went to bed.
When I woke up the next morning, he was all slumped over and I thought he must be feeling worse. But when I tried to pet him, he was all cold and stiff and quite dead. I sat down and cried for five minutes. Poor, poor little Hershey. I put him in a plastic bag and threw him in the trash. Now I have no more bunny.

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